Carrollton City School Teachers Attend Wildland Hydrology Course with C.S. Britton, Inc
Introductory Class on River Behavior
Last week, C. S. Britton traveled with representatives from Carrollton City Schools to Asheville, NC for an adventurous training experience. Teachers from the Carrollton City school system had the opportunity to attend a training course on the fundamentals of river behavior along with representatives from C.S. Britton, Inc. This introductory class familiarized attendees with the general principles of: fluvial geomorphology, sedimentation, hydraulics, restoration, fish habitat improvement, riparian grazing management and stream bank erosion. A combination of both lecture and field applications were provided amidst a beautiful, natural setting in Asheville, NC.

Carrollton City Schools Stream Training
Asheville, NC
During the course study, attendees had the opportunity to analyze creek cross sections to determine velocity and stream types. They conducted long profile surveys which is also a key component in determining stream sustainability. A study of active pebble counts was also done to determine stream classification and corresponding roughness. This newly gained knowledge of the natural aspect of stream restoration allowed them to work as a team with engineers, scientists, and biologists to present data for review. Members of the school system in attendance were:
- Annette Perkins-Carrollton Elementary School
- Moses Mitchell-Carrollton Middle School
- Ashley Soulsby-Carrollton Junior High School
- Tim Hawig-Carrollton High School
Natural Channel Design by Dr. Dave Rosgen
This informative training was led by Dave Rosgen, PhD, PH who founded Wildland Hydrology and is the leader in his field of Natural Channel Design. Dave is a Professional Hydrologist and Geomorphologist with field experience in river work spanning 51 years, twenty of which were with the U.S. Forest Service. He developed what is known as the Rosgen Classification system which is easily the most widely applied river classification system used in the U.S.

Preston Stephenson-C.S. Britton, Inc. Construction Superintendent; Dave Rosgen, PhD, PH Wildland Hydrology; Scott Britton-President C.S. Britton, Inc.

Ashley Soulsby-CJHS, Annette Perkins-CES, Dave Rosgen, PhD, PH Wildland Hydrology, Tim Hawig-CHS, & Moses Mitchell-CMS
C. S. Britton, Inc. is excited to be a part of this unique opportunity to bring this knowledge back into the classroom. This training will allow these teachers to share a true “first-hand” perspective on the importance of stream restoration. C. S. Britton, Inc. is proud to partner with Carrollton City Schools in this educational opportunity.
Email Melanie New for information on how your school can get involved!