CREEK EXPO Shows CES Students How To Make a “Splash” in Water Education

CSBi team members Melanie New, Ben Kersey, and John Gaiter explain use of stream table.

Dr. Christopher Tabit, UWG introduces students to aquatic life in Buffalo Creek
CSBi participated in a two day outdoor educational opportunity adapted for students K-3rd grade on the campus of Carrollton City Schools. Staff members of the University of West Georgia as well as DNR, USDA, Hazen and Sawyer, Engineering 303, and CSBi provided a fun-filled activity based learning experience which allowed young children to be exposed to science in an outdoor classroom. Students from Carrollton Elementary moved from station to station throughout the day learning about many aspects of river behavior. Children were excited to learn about the environment while playing Bingo and other interactive games which were actually experiments specifically designed to keep them engaged. The support was key to making the first “Creek Expo” a huge success!
Instructors taught the children the importance of caring for the environment. Students saw how the water travels through the Buffalo Creek watershed and where it goes once it makes its way into the stream. The movement of water through campus is a perfect way to illustrate to young minds the importance of taking care of the areas where we live and attend school. Our team at CSBi is proud to be a part of this unique educational opportunity for our local youth.